Orbital (Eye) Tumors
An orbital tumor is an abnormal growth in the internal area around the eye. There are several types of orbital tumors and they can be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). An orbital tumor can pose a serious health risk and if it is malignant it may spread to other parts of the body. An orbital tumor may present as a bulging of the eye called proptosis. It is important that patients who have been diagnosed with an orbital tumor, or suspect they may have one, seek out timely and experienced care.
At Houston Advanced Nose and Sinus, Dr. Arjuna Kuperan is known locally and nationally as an expert in sinus and skull base issues, including orbital tumors. As a fellowship trained Rhinologist and board-certified Otolaryngologist (ENT), Dr. Kuperan is committed to providing patients in Houston with highly advanced and customized care.
Orbital tumors often occur spontaneously, although they may sometimes have a genetic component or be related to an underlying health condition. Fortunately, many types of orbital tumors are typically benign. However, over time, the growth of these tumors can cause compression on the optic nerve and adjacent blood vessels and muscles—which can impact vision. Orbital tumors generally cause one eye to appear enlarged or proptotic when they reach a certain size.

Concerning symptoms associated with eye tumors include:
- Bulging of one eye creating an abnormal appearance
- Double vision (seeing two of something when there is only one)
- Decreased vision in one eye
- Inability to completely close one eyelid
- Excessive irritation or scratchy feeling on the surface of one eye with redness or excessive tearing
- Increased pain or discomfort in one eye
If you have signs or symptoms of an orbital tumor it is critical to consult an experienced specialist immediately for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. Patients of Dr. Kuperan can expect an initial evaluation, which may include a nasal endoscopy (looking inside the nose with a small camera) to determine the size, type, and location of the tumor. An MRI may also be performed for advanced visualization of the tumor. For orbital neoplasms that are medial to the optic nerve we can safely perform transnasal minimally invasive endoscopic orbital tumor resection. This approach is done through the nose without any visible scars or incisions. The key is choosing an approach tailored to the severity, size, and location of your eye tumor.

Dr. Arjuna Kuerpan has either authored or reviewed and approved this content.
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