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Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

Chronic sinus conditions, such as frequent sinus infections, allergic fungal sinusitis, and nasal polyps, can be painful and take a negative toll on your quality of life. If you suffer from sinus problems that are resistant to treatment, endoscopic sinus surgery could be a solution for relief from frustrating sinus symptoms.


Houston Sinus Surgeon and Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Specialist Dr. Arjuna Kuperan is a fellowship certified Rhinologist and a Board Certified Otolaryngologist (ENT). His extensive experience in endoscopic sinus procedures enables him to treat a range of sinus conditions, including complicated and difficult cases. Endoscopic sinus surgery is minimally invasive with no visible cuts, incisions, or changes in appearance.


  • Designed to relieve the painful symptoms of chronic sinusitis, including facial pressure and severe congestion
  • May improve sense of smell
  • May improve quality of sleep
  • Improves nasal polyp symptoms without recurrence for more than 90% of patients1
  • Advanced endoscopic techniques allow for fewer post-surgical complications and a quicker recovery2
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Endoscopic Sinus Surgery is performed through the natural nostril openings with a small camera called an endoscope. With this device, Dr. Kuperan is able to look inside the nose and guide small, specialized instruments to delicately remove diseased tissue and create large windows into the sinuses. The sinus cavities are cleaned out and enlarged for improved drainage.

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If you are seeking relief from chronic sinus symptoms, the first step is a consultation appointment with Dr. Kuperan at his office in Houston or The Woodlands. He will examine you and discuss your symptoms and medical history to determine the best treatment plan for you. If endoscopic sinus surgery is right for you, he will give you detailed pre-operative instructions, which will include stopping smoking and avoiding certain medications prior to your procedure.


Every sinus surgery is different, as your treatment plan will be customized for you. In general, sinus surgery usually takes about 2 hours to perform and patients are typically given general anesthesia. Dr. Kuperan will use the endoscope and specialized surgical instruments to remove any sinus blockages and improve your sinus cavities. You should plan to have a friend or family member drive you home from your procedure.


You may experience swelling and discomfort after your surgery. Dr. Kuperan will prescribe medication if needed and he will also give you detailed post-surgical instructions and schedule follow up appointments to monitor your progress. You should refrain from strenuous activity and plan to take several days off of work or school for optimal recovery.


There are several factors that determine who is a candidate for endoscopic sinus surgery, including the severity and frequency of sinus infections. No two sinus surgeries are alike and each is carefully tailored to each patient’s needs and sinus disease complexity. The only way to know if sinus surgery is right for you is to seek the expertise of a Rhinologist and Sinus Surgery Expert like Dr. Kuperan.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Sinus Surgery

When will I see results after my sinus surgery?

Some of Dr. Kuperan’s patients feel relief immediately after their endoscopic sinus surgery. For others, it may take weeks to months before the full benefits of surgery are realized.

What are the risks of sinus surgery?

Endoscopic sinus surgery is associated with a high safety profile and low rate of complications. Still, there are risks to any surgical procedure. Rare risks of sinus surgery include bleeding, excessive eye tearing, reduced ability to smell, scarring that may require revision surgery, and spinal fluid leaks.3 As an experienced ENT, Dr. Kuperan has an excellent safety record. He will go over potential risks before your sinus surgery and ensure that all of your questions have been answered.

Will I be able to smell better after endoscopic sinus surgery?

Patients with anosmia (no ability to smell) or hypoxia (reduced ability to smell) can experience an improvement in their sense of smell after sinus surgery. However, patients whose sense of smell is affected by nerve damage may not experience improvement. If sinus surgery is not likely to improve or restore your sense of smell, Dr. Kuperan will discuss treatment options with you.

Will I be able to breathe better after sinus surgery?

The primary goals of endoscopic sinus surgery are to improve breathing and airflow.4 Dr. Kuperan will recommend the proper treatment to help you breathe more easily.

What can I eat after sinus surgery?

Dr. Kuperan will recommend that you avoid foods that are hard or acidic during the sinus surgery recovery period. Patients often prefer to eat foods that are soft and bland after sinus surgery, like pasta or eggs.

How should I sleep after sinus surgery?

It’s best to sleep with your head elevated after sinus surgery. Try using multiple pillows to prop your head up or sleeping in a reclining chair.

Is sinus surgery covered by insurance?

Coverage for sinus surgery can differ based on your insurance plan. We recommend contacting your insurance provider to verify if this procedure is covered under your policy. Our clinic accepts numerous leading insurance providers, and for additional financial flexibility, we collaborate with medical lenders offering tailored payment options.

Learn more about insurance and financing

Specialized Care, Superior Results

Choosing Dr. Kuperan means opting for one of Houston’s few Fellowship-Trained Rhinologists. His extensive training and experience in complex sinus and nasal conditions guarantee a level of care and precision unmatched in general ENT practice. Experience the difference that specialized knowledge makes.

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Dr. Kuperan has dedicated his career to helping people find relief from sinus conditions, and he specializes in minimally invasive treatment and personalized care. Contact us today to schedule your consultation appointment.

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1 Gohar MS, Niaz SA, Niazi SB. Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery as a primary modality of treatment for primary and recurrent nasal polyposis. Pak J Med Sci. 2017 Mar-Apr; 33(2): 380–382.
doi: 10.12669/pjms.332.11800

2Cleveland Clinic. Sinus Surgery. Available: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/15854-sinus-surgery-overview Accessed April 7, 2020.

3Cleveland Clinic. Functional endoscopic sinus surgery. Available: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/17478-functional-endoscopic-sinus-surgery Accessed November 30, 2023.

4The John Hopkins University. Endoscopic sinus surgery. Available: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/treatment-tests-and-therapies/endoscopic-sinus-surgery Accessed November 30, 2023.

Dr. Arjuna Kuerpan has either authored or reviewed and approved this content.

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Houston Advanced Sinus