Minimally Invasive Options for In-Office Sinus Surgery

Knowing that sinus and nasal disorders vary so widely in type and degree of ailment is key to receiving the right treatment. Dr. Kuperan is part of the team at Houston Advanced Nose & Sinuses who specializes in the treatment of sinus, nasal, and skull-based disorders. These include sinus infection, nasal obstruction, anosmia, chronic nasal drip, epistaxis, chronic eye tearing, cerebrospinal fluid leak, sinonasal tumors, nasal polyps, and orbital eye tumors. What options do you have for in-office sinus surgery?
In-Office Balloon Sinuplasty
Balloon sinuplasty is prescribed to patients who are suffering from frustrating sinus infections. The procedure is minimally invasive, with no visible cuts, or change in appearance. The procedure is performed through the nostril opening, where a small camera called an endoscope looks inside. The camera serves as a guide for a small balloon to gently open the nasal sinus drainage pathway. The procedure is done under sedation and in the presence of an Anesthesiologist. After the procedure, patients will recover in the first-class suites to transition comfortably.
Septoplasty (Deviated Septum Repair)
The septum is a dividing wall inside your nose, separating the right and left nostril. A crooked wall — referred to as a deviated septum — can be present at birth, or come from the result of trauma. This can create a nasal obstruction, or make it difficult to breathe, and can contribute to snoring. Repairing a deviated septum involves a very similar process to a balloon sinuplasty. Except that instead of a balloon, a small instrument is used to remove the portion of the septum that is deviated. Similarly, there are no cuts or changes in appearance.
Inferior Turbinate Reduction
The inferior turbinate is a ‘hotdog’ shaped structure that rests along the floor inside your nose. In some patients, the inferior turbinate may become hypertrophied (enlarged), or is enlarged from birth. Allergies, nasal decongestant spray, or age-related autonomic dysregulation can all cause hypertrophy of the inferior turbinate. The resulting effects on the patient can include difficulty breathing or nasal obstruction. The procedure of reducing the size of the inferior turbinate involves an endoscopic procedure through the nostril openings, and the use of small instruments to reduce the size.
Revision Sinus Surgery
Some patients may experience the frustrating reality of having their sinus problems not resolved from sinus surgery. The procedure itself may have been performed incorrectly, or perhaps the surgical procedures were inadequate for the severity of the sinus disease. In these cases, an endoscopic revision sinus surgery may remedy the abnormal sinus function. The procedure introduces small instruments through the natural nostril openings and is guided by an endoscope. Once inside, the instruments remove diseased tissue to create a large window of breathability. As with the majority of in-office sinus surgeries, there are no changes to appears, visible cuts, or incisions, and a limited amount of recovery time.
Houston Advanced Nose & Sinus knows that rhinology is a complex subspecialty, which they support with fellowship and board-certified staff providing the highest level of care and expertise possible, whether your sinus condition is frustrating, or aggravating. Contact Dr. Kuperan today to learn more.