5 Solutions to Keep Seasonal Allergies at Bay

If you ask people what their favorite season is most of them would answer spring, and we can’t agree more. Everything about the season is so charming; be it the seasonal flowers that blossom during the season or the sight of plush greenery that replaces the barren meadows. However, the spring season also brings along with it common allergens like pollen and mold which is not good news for those who’re suffering from a sinus infection or allergies. If you too start sneezing unstoppably even with slight exposure to pollen or other allergens it is imperative that you take the following steps to make sure that your condition does not worsen this allergy season:
1. Diet Check
Make sure that you stick to a healthy diet plan before the arrival of the allergy season. Avoid consuming food items which are difficult to digest like red meat, heavy desserts, hard cheese, and sour yogurt. Also, strike-off oily, ice-cold, processed, packaged, and canned food from your diet list as their consumption can stress your liver, therefore, resulting in allergies. Instead, lean towards a protein rich diet that includes whole grains, lentils, and organic fruits and vegetables. While preparing a meal make sure that it is warm, therefore, making it easy to digest. Also, drink enough hot water to help your body get rid of toxins.
2. Pollen and Mold Control
Exposure to pollen is one of the most common reasons that can trigger an attack. Therefore, make sure that you get rid of pollen in your house. Steps that you can take to make your home pollen-free include:
- Keep the doors and windows closed as often as possible. Use the air conditioner to regulate the room temperature
- Always use a HEPA filter and make sure to clean it, the bedding, and upholstered furniture at regular intervals as allergens tend to accumulate at these places
- Change your clothes every time you get back to your home from outdoors to make sure that pollen sticking to your clothes don’t spread throughout the rooms
- Shower before going to bed to avoid chances of transferring pollen from your hair or face to the pillow
Apart from pollen, mold too can cause irritation and kick-off an attack. Allergic patients should, therefore, make sure that they clean their bathrooms, basements, and kitchens using a detergent, bleach, or soap. Also, you should tend to any leakages in the pipes, windows, and roofs swiftly. In case, you’re using a dehumidifier make sure to drain the water to keep it clean.
3. Change your lifestyle
Stress can have an adverse impact on your immune system, therefore, exposing you to seasonal allergies. Practice yoga, meditation, and other breathing exercises to address this issue. Additionally, you need to get at least eight hours of uninterrupted sleep every night to ensure flawless functioning of your immune system. If you’re someone who finds it difficult to fall asleep, try practicing relaxation techniques or consume sleep supplements such as passionflower or valerian root extract before bed to counter sleep related disorders.
4. Medicines and Immunotherapies
The use of oral antihistamines such as cetirizine, loratadine, and fexofenadine can help alleviate common allergy symptoms including sneezing, itching, and watery eyes. You can also use nasal decongestants to get relief from nasal stuffiness, however, avoid using them for long periods as it can worsen your symptoms. Additionally, you can also undergo immunotherapy sessions, wherein your doctor will first test your skin to identify the allergens that trigger allergies in your case. Next, the specialist will inject an extract of the allergen (you’re allergic to) under your skin to increase the body’s resistance against it.
5. Nasal Flushing
Irrigating your nose and sinuses can alleviate symptoms like sneezing, coughing, sinus headaches, and nasal congestion. Irrigating the nose is also a proven way of protecting the sinus membranes from allergens. Consult your doctor to learn about the nasal irrigation options available. One of the choices that you can consider is using a neti pot.
A word of caution: While using a neti pot make sure that the water is clean and filtered as using impure water can result in brain infections.
Stay Healthy, Live Strong!
Following the above guidelines will help you avoid allergy attacks by minimizing your exposure to common allergens. If you or your loved one is suffering from sinusitis, nasal blockage, nasal drip, or any other related problems triggered due to allergens, please don’t hesitate to call and book an appointment today with our specialists at Houston Advanced Nose and Sinus.