No More Crying Eyes: What is Epiphora and How Do We Treat It?

Everybody knows that your eyes create tears. They occasionally water to keep your eyes healthy, comfortable and free from foreign objects. But what does it mean when your body begins to produce tears excessively? Unfortunately, there might be a serious underlying issue. Excessive eye watering is also known as epiphora, and is a condition where either one or both eyes overproduces tears and makes it appear as if you are constantly crying. This can impact your daily life by forcing you to constantly wipe away tears.
If you suffer from excessive tearing, then you may also be suffering from some of these other symptoms including yellow discharge from the inner corner of the eye and pain or redness in the inner corner of the eye.
What Causes Excessive Tearing?
The symptoms of epiphora can be caused by a variety of things, including infections, irritations or improper eyelid placement.
– Foreign objects:
If a foreign object like dust or dirt enters your eye, it may cause scratches leaving your eye feeling watery and uncomfortable.
– Infections and Inflammation:
Whether you are under the weather from allergies, a sinus infection or other eye related infections, these can all be causes of epiphora. Allergies and infections trigger an inflammatory response in your eye creating excessive tearing to help keep your eye comfortable.
– Tear duct obstruction:
The tear duct, also know as the lacrimal duct, is where your tears drain to your nose. If this becomes obstructed for any reason, your tears are not able to drain properly. This blockage causes the extra water leave as tears rather than drain through your nose.
– Improper eyelid positions
Your eyelid is responsible for pushing the tears across your eye with each blink. If your eyelid is not shaped properly, then it cannot effectively push tears towards the tear duct. If your eyelashes/lid are turned in then they can create more irritation as they move across the eye.
So You Might Have Epiphora? How Can We Help?
Since there are so many possible causes of epiphora, each patient requires a personalized treatment plan. Inflammation and irritation can be treated using antibiotic drops. Rinsing your eye and using a warm compress can also help reduce irritation. To fix tear duct obstructions, an endoscopic procedure is typically necessary.
The key to finally put an end to excessive eye tearing is a personalized treatment plan. The severity and cause of epiphora determines which course of treatment is best for you. At Houston Advanced Nose & Sinus, we promote personalized treatment plans. Our rhinologist, Dr. Kuperan, is fellowship trained in performing endoscopic procedures and providing relief to all patients so they can start living their best life again. If you suffer from epiphora, then feel free to contact us for a consultation today at 832-720-6673.